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Monday, June 9, 2008

Does Love left the building?

I was contacted by a friend several weeks ago, telling me a really sad news (actually, she sent me a text message at around 3 am), she and her husband has already separated after 7 years of being together. After she was back from the States, their condo unit was gone and so does her husband. She doesn't have any place to live so she was forced to live with her sister and the boyfriend. When she asked her husband about her personal stuff, he told her to send him her current address and he will arrange for all the stuff to be delivered at her doorstep. Just like that and everything was over. Maybe I missed some important details that might triggered the separation, especially from the husband's point of view but whose relationship is perfect anyway?

Although this kind of news is not really shocking nor scandalous nowadays, I was still a bit shock. They looked so good and inlove together. During their civil wedding, me and my husband were the only witness who signed on their marriage contract. That is why I really feel sorry for them. I befriended the wife because our husbands were high school classmates and friends.

During my conversation with the wife, of course the "7 year itch" thing was obviously brought up. She told me she was not sure, obviously, she cannot think properly or a bit disoriented becuase of what just happened between them.

Me, myself, I dont really understand this "seven year itch" thing nor does my husband believe there's such a thing. So I actually googled that and found this answers from


Supposedly, after being married for seven years or just being with someone for that long, you start looking at other options. Hence you have an itch to scratch. In layman's terms, one is expected to leave/cheat at this time.


All along you saw signs but you ignore them or you were too busy to act on them, and after seven years you finally realized what you missed and try to change it.

Well, I dont know what to say ...I might say married life is really hardwork. In the first place, you chose that person to be your lifetime partner ... (maybe its a different thing if that person was chosen for you) ... but if you did choose him/her over the others before, why a change of heart? Was it you were "blindfolded" when everything was still going on? Or you are really looking for someone else, that's why suddenly you realized you were not meant for each other? And that suddenly all the flaws become visible?

Isn't it that husband and wife should work together, grow together, learn from each other, etc.etc ... to make the family grow stronger and be more stable? Isn't that's the meaning of the "Power of Two"?

For the past two years, at least 3 pairs of couples close to me had gone through this awful conclusion. Well, at least one couple out of those 3 pairs had already reconciled, still, I really feel sad and of course a bit troubled, that's why eventhough its really hard to accept someone else's expectations, weaknesses and imperfections, I am trying really hard to cover all these. I am one of those traditional women whom separation/divorce/annulment is the least of the least of my options. Emotional investment is the hardest of all, I can't bear to do it all over again to another person.


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