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Monday, April 21, 2008

My Island Home -

I came to you when my eyes still glitters with innocence and purity...

When its still ok to get dirty and run under the rain, lay down on the grass under the moonlight and count the stars and make-a-wish when a shooting star pass by, oh i can still remember how my heart jump with joy knowing that my wish would someday come into reality.

You accepted me and tried to protect me for as long as I can remember

You tirelessly showed me the beauty in simplicity,
On how it is to live lightly with humility...

But I grew up, and everything changed.

I whispered to you that I wanted to go for awhile, to see the world beyond your beautiful horizon

But you've wanted me to stay, you showed it in so many different ways,

You told me that if I choose to go, I can never really go back ...

I asked you, "How come?", but you never answered why

And then we bid goodbye.

Now I understood your silence that day, sometimes it hurts but I have to try ...


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